GreenMobility - Your key to hundreds of electrical cars in Aarhus
- Get your first 30 minutes drive for free.

With GreenMobility you have access to hundreds of environmentally friendly and 100% electrical cars in Aarhus and Copenhagen. You park for free in all public car parks with a minimum of 2 hours time limit around the clock and within GreenMobility's zone in Aarhus – and now also in Agro Food Park.

The app is your key to hundreds of cars

In GreenMobility's app, you will find a vacant car near you, unlock it in the app and drive. You do not have to put the car back where you took it - just leave it on a public car park within the zone with a minimum of 2 hours time limit. You can also park at GreenMobility's Hotspots, which are parking spaces reserved for you around Aarhus.

Drive on a minute-, hour- or daily basis

With GreenMobility you drive at a minute price of 4 DKK or down to 2 DKK per minute with prepaid minutes. If you need to use a car for several hours, you can choose the hourly and daily packages from three hours and up to seven days. See all GreenMobilitys packages here.

Go green and save CO2

When you drive in GreenMobility's electrical cars rather than a petrol or diesel car, you are helping to save CO2. The cars emit no harmful substances and run on electricity from renewable energy sources. Both interior and exterior materials are made from recyclable materials and recycled plastic.

Sign up and get the first 30 min. free (equivalent to 120 DKK)

1) Download the GreenMobility app
2) Use the promo code: agro30
3) Find your car in the app, unlock it and enjoy the freedom