10.30 - 11.30 - What will AI mean for the future of agriculture
Presented by: Teknologisk Institut.
Participants: Dennis Weigelt Pedersen, Consultant from ICOEL, Michael Jensen, Operations Manager from Frijsenborg, Karen Margrethe Balle, Branch Manager Poultry from Scio+, Simon Binderup Johansen, Director at SKOV A/S, Simon Aagaard Enni, Consultant from Danish Technological Institute.
Moderator: Anders Søgaard, Landbrug & Fødevarer.
Description: With the growing population and the need for more sustainable production, AI's role in the future of agriculture will be crucial. But the question is how this will happen. It requires large investments to collect data and create artificial intelligence from it, which is an obstacle for smaller farms to benefit from the technology. Does this mean that the agriculture of the future should be centralised around precision farming on a few large farms, or should it take place with joint initiatives and data sharing across smaller farms? The Danish Technological Institute invites you to a debate on how AI can and should shape the future of agriculture in Denmark.
12.30 - 13.15 - Debate about the development and future of organics
Participants: CEO, Helle Borup Friberg, Økologisk Landsforening.
Director, Head of Arla Brands and Sustainability, Anne Kjeldsen, Arla Foods
Purchasing Director Food/GF Ware, Khalil J. Taleb, Lidl Danmark
Moderator: Chefkonsulent, Anders Søgaard, Landbrug & Fødevarer
Description: Over the past 10 years, organic food has experienced strong growth in both retail and food service, and Denmark is now the world champion in organic food. But inflation and rising commodity prices have put pressure on sales. At the same time, the growing need to provide solutions to the world's sustainability crises has placed new demands on both the development and narrative of organic food. So what role should organic food play in the future? Hear the views of both the Danish Organic Farmers' Association and representatives from the retail and producer sectors when Anders Søgaard from the Danish Agriculture & Food Council invites you to a debate on the development and future of organic food.
13.45-14.30 - Take control of your mark on the climate
Presented by: Head of Sustainability, Peter Langborg Wejse, SEGES Innovation
Description: Have you ever wondered what consumers' carbon footprint looks like? And how hard it is to change? Peter Langborg Wejse delves into these questions and takes a closer look at the ongoing trend towards sustainability in food production.
The discussion examines what the footprint looks like on different foods and identifies where the shoe pinches the hardest. Peter Langborg Wejse will present Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a valuable tool to identify the most important steps in production. In addition, the presentation will explore technologies that could be game-changers in future food production.
15.00 - 15.45 - Closer to the future
Presented by: Chief Consultant, Søren Bisp, Future Farming, SEGES Innovation
Description: Climate-positive dairy farming, the regenerative farm and maybe even bio-based bicycles... Many are strategizing and investing for the next sales success, the big breakthrough and the crucial innovation. And if you have a well-founded proof of impact that says SUSTAINABLE, it opens doors.
SEGES Innovation keeps track of the emerging expectations for the agricultural products of the future - expectations that SEGES Innovation ambitiously works to fulfill with solutions that can bring us a little closer to the future. In today's debate, Søren Bisp shares observations and development paths.