Morning Masterclass: Five great insights about Upcycling

June 5th 2025 from 7:00-9:00 a.m. in meeting room 9 in Agro Food Park 15.

We will start with breakfast snacks at 6.45 a.m. with five presentations following (in English)

  • A brief introduction to upcycling and its barriers; based on the project FoodUpcycling, which focuses implementing upcycling within food SMEs in Denmark.

Presented by Consultant Asger Munch Smidt-Jensen, Danish Technological Institute

  • FoodRemade – our history.

Presented by founder and CEO Henrik Ottesen, FoodRemade


  • Valorization of biowaste into highly valuable chemicals and polymers.

Presented by Postdoc, Ph.D. Guillermo Alberto Portillo Perez, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University

  • The role of microorganisms in the upcycling of agro-industrial side streams.

Presented by Postdoc Julia Doris Bechtner, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University

  • Upcycling from a consumer perspective: Research on understanding, wording, and acceptance.

Presented by Prof. Dr. Habil. Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, Centre Director of MAPP, Aarhus University.

Participation is free. Please register by sending an email to Søren Madsen at