Cookie and privacy policy at Agro Food Parks website

Privacy Policy for the Danish Agriculture & Food Council, who owns Agro Food Park

This Privacy Policy explains how the Danish Agriculture & Food Council ("we" or "us") handles your personal information.

The legal entity responsible for handling your personal information is:
Danish Agriculture & Food Council F.M.B.A.
CVR no. 25529529
Axelborg, Axeltorv 3
1609 Copenhagen V
Tel: +45 33 39 40 00


The Danish Agriculture & Food Council handles the professional interests of Danish farmers and feed companies. We collect and use personal information for the following purposes:

1. Delivery of our services: we collect and use personal information in connection with the delivery of services to our members and customers. Our services - from member services to common solutions that support agricultural advice, financial and legal assistance, etc. – are described in more detail at our website and
We also collect and use personal information in connection with your use of our IT services, including self-service solutions on our website, as well as Farmer portals (Landmandsportals) and other software solutions offered by SEGES.

2. Optimisation of user experience on websites and other IT services: personal information is collected automatically through your use of our websites. We use this information to compile statistics on the use of our websites in order to optimise the user experience. See more about this in our cookie policy.
Personal information is also collected automatically through your use of our other IT services for error diagnosis, optimisation and support.

3. Marketing: personal information is used for marketing purposes, including targeting our communication with you based on your interests and focus areas, as well as for sending you relevant marketing and professional information in the form of newsletters, etc.
4. Analysis, Research and Statistics: personal information is used for analysis, research and statistical purposes in the interests of the agricultural sector. We also use the results to develop our member services, advisory services and IT services


We collect the following information about you for each of the purposes mentioned:
1. Delivery of our service:
    1. General Personal Information: Name and contact details. We collect your given and      family name, your e-mail address, postal address, phone number and other similar contact data.
    2. General personal information: identity information. We collect your username, CPR number, CVR number, CHR number, and customer numbers and similar information used for identification and authorisation.

  1. General Personal Information: Credentials. We collect your passwords and similar security information that is used to authenticate and control access.
  2. General Personal Information: payment data. If you make a purchase, we collect data that we need to process your payment, such as the number of your payment method (e.g., a credit card number) and the security code associated with your payment method.
  3. General Personal Information: Company Data. We collect information about your agricultural business, e.g. information about operations, production conditions, ownership and financial situation.
  4. General Personal Information: Content. We also collect the content of messages you send to us, such as feedback and product reviews and questions or information you give to our customer service. If you contact us, for instance, through our customer service, we monitor and record phone calls and chat sessions. If you visit our premises, you may be recorded by our surveillance cameras.
  5. General Personal Information: Interests and Favourites. We collect data about your interests and favourites. In addition to the data you give us, your interests and favourites may also be derived or come from other data we collect.
  6. General Personal Information: Contacts and Relationships. We collect data about your contacts and relationships, e.g. when you allow others to see your data. In addition to the data you give us, your relationships may also be derived from or come from other data we collect.
  7. General Personal Information: Location Data. We collect data about your location, which can either be precise or imprecise. Precise location data can be Global Position System (GPS) data as well as data that identifies nearby mobile masts and Wi-Fi hotspots that we collect when using location-based products or features. Imprecise location data can, for example, be a location from your IP address or data that indicates where you are with less precision, such as in a city or postal area.
  8. Criminal information: We can collect criminal records in connection with specific advisory cases. xi. Sensitive Personal Information: Health Information: We can collect health information in connection with an agreement on pay administration or emergency assistance.

2. Optimising user experience on the website:
  1. General Personal Information: We collect online identifiers such as IP addresses and cookies.
  2. General Personal Information: We collect usage data for products and services. We collect data about the products you use and the webpages you visit.

3. Marketing:
  1. General Personal Information: We collect your name, address, email address, phone number and other similar contact data.
   2. General Personal Information: We collect purchase history, interests, membership of agricultural associations, etc.
   3. General Personal Information: We collect information about the operation of agricultural enterprises, production conditions, ownership and finance.

4. Analysis, Research and Statistics:
   1. General Personal Information: We collect information about the operation of agricultural enterprises, production conditions, ownership and finance.



We collect personal information from the following sources:
1. Directly from you
2. Public authorities, such as the tax authorities.
3. Public business registers, such as CHR (Central Husbandry Register) and CVR (Central Business Register)
4. Agricultural consultancies, including companies in DLBR (Danish Food Cluster)

5. Suppliers and buyers, e.g. farm supply companies, dairies, slaughterhouses or veterinarians who have a direct financial or advisory relationship with your company.
6. Other collaborating partners, e.g. banks, mortgage companies or auditors that have a direct financial or advisory relationship with your business.
7. Other publicly available sources.


We collect and handle your personal information as described above based on the following processing basis for each of the purposes mentioned:
1. Delivery of our services:
    1. Consultancy agreements
    2. Terms of use of our software
    3. General Terms and Conditions
    4. Consent
    5. Regulatory framework
2. Optimising user experience on the website:
    1. Cookie Policy
3. Marketing:
    1. Consent
    2. Regulatory framework
4. Analysis, Research and Statistics:
    1. Consultancy Agreements

    2. Terms of use of our software

    3. General terms and conditions

    4. Consent

    5. Regulatory framework


We disclose your personal information to the following categories of recipients:

  1. Suppliers and buyers who have a direct financial or advisory relationship with your business. Disclosure can only take place with your consent.
   2. Affiliated businesses, when their input is needed to solve a task for which you have requested assistance. The information may also be used for marketing purposes. In case of sensitive personal information, disclosure will only take place once you have given your consent.
   3. Public authorities, such as in case of statutory animal registration.
   4. Information of a purely agricultural nature is disclosed in certain cases to universities, etc., for use in research projects for analytical, research and statistical purposes. Disclosure is only based on an agreement on confidential and time-limited use of the information and that any published results may only contain anonymised information.

Personal information is not transferred to third countries outside the EU/EEA.


We will store your personal information in accordance with the following criteria:
 1. The information is necessary for the purpose for which it has been collected.
 2. To comply with a legal obligation.
 3. For scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes.
 4. For legal claims to be determined, enforced or defended.

Information collected in order to provide a service to you is normally stored for up to 5 years from the end of the customer relationship. The information may be retained for a longer period in cases where we can be held liable for damages after the 5-year period or in cases where legislation requires that we maintain the information for an extended period.

Information of a purely agricultural nature, including information collected through research, checks or through ongoing use of our IT services (such as software developed on the basis of the Danish Field Database, the Cattle Database and the Financial Database) is kept as long as the information is considered relevant for analysis, research and statistical purposes in the interests of the agricultural sector.

You can read more about how long we store personal information within the context of cookies and the optimisation of user experience at our websites in our cookie policy.

We aim to ensure that the storage of special personal information is limited to a strict minimum.

We also endeavour to keep your personal information in pseudonymised or anonymised form whenever possible.


You have the following rights:
• You have the right to request insight, rectification or deletion of your personal information.
• You also have the right to oppose the processing of your personal information and to restrict the processing of your personal information.
• In particular, you have an unconditional right to oppose the processing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
• If the processing of your personal information is based on your consent, you are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time. Your withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing undertaken before withdrawal of your consent.
• You are entitled to receive the personal information you have provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability).
• You can always file a complaint with a data protection authority, e.g. Datatilsynet (Data Protection Agency).

You can avail yourself of your rights by emailing a written request to

There may be conditions or restrictions on these rights. Therefore, you may not be able to have the right to data portability in a specific case - this depends on the specific processing circumstances.


Last updated: 26 March 2018

Read more in our cookie policy